
Project Overview|Introduction

The United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become a crucial blueprint for global development and represent a new ocean businesses cannot ignore when facing new situations and challenges. According to research by the Business and Sustainable Development Commission, the global sustainable business opportunities has increased to 12 trillion USD. Beyond developed markets, business opportunities at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) should not be overlooked. The Global Bank Group has invested approximately 14 billion USD over ten years since 2006 to assist businesses in developing BOP business models, demonstrating that developing countries certainly yield win-win opportunities that can balance both development and business.
The International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) of Taiwan has been promoting the government's development aid for nearly 30 years. It is committed to helping partner countries enhance their social, economic, and environmental aspects. Focusing on six priority: agriculture, public health, ICT, education, environment, and SME development, ICDF collaborates with allied countries to work towards achieving SDGs. In 2021, for the first time, ICDF launched the "ICDF Development x Innovation x Sustainable Experiment Competition - Impact Frontier Lab (IF Lab)", establishing Taiwan's first "Innovative International Cooperation Development Accelerator". This successfully guided 4 corporate teams to develop sustainable business models in the Latin American region, connecting businesses and developing countries to create opportunities together. To promote participation, this year, the 2nd "ICDF Development x Innovation x Sustainable Experiment Competition - IF Lab" is being held, inviting Taiwanese enterprises and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to jointly demonstrate creativity, utilize innovative technology and service models to establish sustainable solutions with business models for allied countries.

The training structure of the Impact Frontier Lab (IF Lab) involves a people-centered design that guides teams in developing the ability to implement innovative international cooperation projects. Our aim is for the project to serve as a bridge between Taiwan’s private sector and its diplomatic allies through a process that is divided into three phases: innovative proposals, empowerment, and implementation.

The Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) provides insights on international aid and the requirements of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies to organizations or enterprises through the Global Co-Lab. The goal is to create innovative solutions that respond to partner countries' development needs, embrace the innovative potential of public-private collaboration, and enhance Taiwan’s international influence!


The 2nd IF Lab will provide the final selected teams with a matching grant of up to $6 million NTD for each team, aiming to expand the scale of the proposal and accelerate its implementation. Additionally, training workshops, co-creation meetings, and field trips are provided to enhance partners' understanding of allied countries and to spread the risks of overseas development, collaboratively building business models that meet the needs of allied countries.


最新公告|Lastest News

  • 2024-08-31 Congratulations to the four teams that passed the final review: CCILU International Inc., Princess Green Nursery Inc., 9floor Co-Living Co. Ltd., and Robo Web Tech Co. Ltd.
  • 2024-07-31 The final review for the 2nd Impact Frontier Lab was held on Saturday, August 31, from 14:00 to 18:15 at Plantārium. We thank everyone who joined us in celebrating this event!
  • 2024-07-08 On July 8, a team from ID Water Inc. visited Palau to assess the feasibility of using smart aquaculture technology to support mangrove conservation management, while also enhancing local food security and creating employment opportunities for women and fishers. For more details, please refer to our post on Facebook.
  • 2024-06-29 On June 29, Princess Green Nursery Inc.’s team visited Palau to explore opportunities for introducing Taiwan’s high-value vanilla cultivation techniques into the country. By establishing an agri-tourism farm and integrating solar power, they aim to promote the production of vanilla, which could be incorporated into various products to bolster Palau’s tourism industry. For more details, please refer to our post on Facebook.
  • 2024-06-27 On June 27, a team from 9floor Co-Living Co., Ltd. visited Saint Lucia, and were there when category 5 Hurricane Beryl struck the Caribbean country. This experience highlighted the benefit of 9floor’s prefabricated wooden housing. During the visit, the team also met with the Saint Lucian government, travel agencies, and accommodation providers to discuss how they could support the comprehensive development of the country’s tourism industry. For more details, please refer to our post on Facebook
  • 2024-06-24 On June 24, BlueMagpie Tea Social Enterprise Co. Ltd.’s team visited Palau to explore the feasibility of protecting the Palauan purple swamphen—a large, rail-like bird indigenous to Palau—and establishing a local taro brand. Their goal is to give traditional Palauan taro a fresh image and create greater economic opportunities through tourism. For more details, please refer to our post on Facebook.
  • 2024-06-09 On June 9, a team from ChiLumi International Co., Ltd. visited Guatemala to investigate the feasibility of converting organic waste into eco-friendly materials. During the visit, they presented shoes and T-shirts made from coffee grounds directly to President Arévalo, and garnered great interest from various sectors in Guatemala. For more details, please refer to our post on Facebook.
  • 2024-03-08 Congratulations to the six teams that passed the secondary review: BlueMagpie Tea Social Enterprise Co. Ltd., ID Water Inc., 9floor Co-Living Co., Ltd., Princess Green Nursery Inc., Robo Web Tech Co. Ltd. and CCILU International Inc.
  • 2024-01-31 Through trial evaluation, we help teams identify blind spots and areas for improvement in their proposals to increase their chances of passing the secondary review.
  • 2024-01-19 For the Acceleration Lab’s seventh workshop we worked with teams to analyze the sustainable impact of their proposals.
  • 2024-01-05 As part of the Acceleration Lab’s sixth workshop, the Central America Trade Office and Taiwanese businessmen in Palau shared their experiences of realizing the goals of their proposals through crowdfunding.
  • 2023-12-22 During the Acceleration Lab’s fifth workshop we explored the sustainability possibilities of teams’ proposals. Experts in business management, investment, and international aid gathered to help teams improve the efficiency of their execution of proposals.
  • 2023-12-15 At the Acceleration Lab’s fourth workshop, Palauan Ambassador David Adams Orrukem attended and brought two Palauan students who are studying in Taiwan to connect with teams!
  • 2023-12-08 At the Acceleration Lab’s third workshop, Omplexity’s consultants worked with teams to discover sustainable business opportunities with core values that appeal to diplomatic allies.
  • 2023-12-01 Introduction of Teams Part 2: Let's discover which IFLab teams come out on top! Click the link to check out the companies that are a part of the 2nd Impact Frontier Lab.
  • 2023-11-24 Introduction of Teams Part 1: Let's discover which IFLab teams come out on top! Click the link to check out the companies that are a part of the 2nd Impact Frontier Lab.
  • 2023-11-17 At the Acceleration Lab’s second workshop, the TaiwanICDF Technical Cooperation Department took part, accompanying the pioneers and helping them identify business opportunities with our business partners in allied countries.
  • 2023-11-10 The Acceleration Lab’s 2nd Impact Frontier Lab was officially launched on November 10.
  • 2023-10-31 Congratulations to the 12 finalists who passed the first phase of the competition!
  • 2023-09-26 Don’t know how to get started with the program? Don’t worry! Our registration guide will help you with the registration process.
  • 2023-09-26 The Guide to Diplomatic Allies' Issues is now online! Come and learn about our diplomatic allies’ challenges!
  • 2023-09-12 The briefing session and video files are now online! Please click the link and check out the video to learn more about the project’s details.
  • 2023-08-30 A press conference on the subject of “Breaking Barriers and Innovating Together” was held on August 30.
  • 2023-08-25 An online briefing session for the 2nd Impact Frontier Lab was held from September 5th to 7th.
  • 2023-08-15 Registration for the 2nd Impact Frontier Lab began on August 15.


計畫主軸|Planning Axis

  • 氣候行動調適

    Climate Action & Adaptation

    According to the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI) ranking report, developing countries have lower per capita carbon dioxide emissions, but they are most severely affected by climate change. Taking our ally Belize as an example: approximately 70% of the population lives in low-lying areas, 40.5% lives near the coast, and a significant 24% concentrated in areas vulnerable to flooding. Between 1999 and 2018, extreme climate caused Belize to lose over 7% of GDP, moreover, for over 10,0000 people, 19 died due to natural disasters, ranking Belize in 32nd in Country Risk indices. Most importantly, Over half of our allied countries are small island nations, urgently requiring climate adaptation and action to reduce disaster damage and increase resilience.
  • 弱勢經濟增能

    Vulnerable Groups' Economic Empowerment

    The global economy has been severely impacted by the pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, leading to extreme economic inequalities among vulnerable groups. Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries are crucial forces driving economic growth. Take our partnering country Eswatini as an example, MSMEs constitute over 80% of the total businesses nationwide. These enterprises mainly focus on traditional hand crafting, agricultural product processing, tailoring, and micro to small-scale retailing. However, a lack of knowledge in product packaging and marketing concepts limited their full potential. The introduction of environmentally-friendly, recycled packaging materials could enhance the narrative aspect of sales while establishing a local brand image, stimulating product development within these MSMEs.
  • 生態及環境永續發展

    Ecological & Environmental Sustainability

    The sustainability of Life on Land and Below Water is one of the prime objectives of UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. Rapid urbanization in developing countries has led to overpopulation, resulting in insufficient water resources and waste management planning, that give rise to numerous environmental issues. In particular, small island developing countries heavily relied on a healthy marine ecosystem for economy and livelihood, which makes preserving Life Below Water especially vital. Take Palau as an example: 40% of its economic revenue comes from the tourism industry. However, the high costs of thermal power and pollution have caused local environmental degradation. There's a demand to develop clean and renewable energy to cater to the needs of both economic and environmental development.
  • 綠色永續飲食

    Sustainable Food Production & Consumption

    Green sustainable diet has been an advocated dietary strategy by the United Nations since 2010. From production, packaging, transportation, cooking, consumption to waste management and recycling, every step must include concepts of health, nutrition, environmental protection, non-toxicity, and sustainability. Through a green diet, we can assist our ally nations in improving the health of their residents and support the sustainable development of their local agricultural and fishing industries, thereby aligning these nations with the Sustainable Development Goals.


Submission Requirements|QUALIFICATIONS

Organizations or companies that apply must meet at least three of the following qualifications:

  • 1.A legal company that has been registered or established according to the law by the competent authority, and must have been formally established for more than 3 years.
  • 2.Proposing team must have experience in establishing overseas institutions or collaborating on international aid projects (including but not limited to international business and cooperating with international organizations on aid projects).
  • 3.The proposing team must have a paid-in capital of over 3 million NTD and have more than 5 full-time employees.
  • 4.The company's financial statement for the most recent fiscal year must report a profit.
  • 5.Operating social media platforms (including but not limited to Facebook, YouTube, IG, Twitter) with a follower count of over 30,000.

媒合獎金|MATCHING Fund



  • Q1.
    Registration Date

    2023/8/15 (Tue) 09:00 to 10/14 (Sat) 23:59

  • Q2.
    Registration Steps
    • 1st Step:
      Organizations wishing to register should fill out the online registration form (SurveyCake).

    • 2nd Step:
      Once the organizer confirms the registration form, the organization will receive an automatic notification email that includes a summary of the proposal presentation content and an upload link.

    • 3rd Step:
      Please upload your organization's basic information and proposal presentation PDF file by 23:59 on Saturday, 10/14. Once submitted, your registration is considered successful.

  • Q3.
    Organization Basic Information:

    Should include “Organization name”, “Person in Charge”, “Organization Establishment/Registration Certificate”. “Tax Certificate/Financial Report”, “Stages of Development”, “Composition of Teams”, “List of Products/Services”, and “Past International Experience” This will facilitate a quick understanding of the current status of the organization during the preliminary review.

  • Q4.
    Presentation Format
    • Please create the presentation in landscape 16:9 format. The presentation should be limited to 15 pages, and the font size in the content should not be smaller than 16pt.
    • Please save the presentation as a PDF file and rename it with your organization's name (Example: International Cooperation Development Foundation_Presentation Proposal).
  • Q5.
    Presentation Content
    • Needs of Partnering Countries
    • Solution Proposal
    • Feasible Business Model
    • Budget Requirement
    • Expected Impact
    • Short, Medium and Long-term Planning
  • Q6.
    Preliminary Evaluation Method
    • Innovativeness 25%:
      。Evaluate the innovativeness and highlights of the proposal.
      。Confirm proposed solutions (technology, product, technique, service, or platform) are proprietary to the proposing team.
      。Reference the implementation experiences from similar past cases.
    • Effectiveness 25%:
      。Evaluate the logical planning of the proposal in addressing the core needs and problems of the partner country.
      。Evaluate the expected scale of beneficiaries, including the mode of benefit, population and identities.
      。Understand the short, medium and long-term impacts of the proposal on the partner country's economy, society, and environment.
    • Execution Capability 25%:
      。Evaluate the proposing team's capability to utilize or develop innovative technology, or provide innovative products/services.
      。Evaluate whether the team has adequate financial and human resources to execute the proposal.
      。Evaluate the reasonableness of budget allocation and project timeline of the proposal, also assess the ratio and reasonability of the competition prize money to the total budget.
    • Feasibility 25%:
      。Evaluate if the proposal has a stable business model that can be easily implemented in partner countries and sustainability in the long run.
      。Assess potential risks proposal might encounter, and the team's corresponding strategies.
      。Evaluate the feasibility of scaling up and replicating the proposal.
  • Q7.
    Two-Stage Preliminary Selection
    • First Stage: Conducted in written form, with a qualification review. Organizations/enterprises that pass the qualification review are expected to receive a presentation review notice on October 20, 2023 (Friday). The notice will contain details on registration time, presentation duration, and reminders about the rules of the day's presentation.
    • Second Stage: The proposal presentation meeting is tentatively scheduled on October 30, 2023 (Monday). Presentations will be based on the PDF files submitted by the organizations/enterprises and conducted in Chinese. Each team is allocated an estimated 7 minutes for their presentation, followed by an 8-minute Q&A session with the judges. Please refer to the notification from the organizer for detailed information on the presentation date, venue, and registration order.
    • Announcement of Selected Entries: The list of shortlisted candidates will be announced on the IF Lab’s official website and on the fan page of the International Cooperation and Development Fund.
  • Q8.
    Rights and Obligations
    • Organization/enterprises participating in “Impact Frontier Lab”guarantee that all information provided and submitted (proposals, graphics, presentations, videos, and other materials) are genuine and original. Any violation on others' copyrights or intellectual property rights are strictly prohibited. If false information is provided or if there is a violation of rights, the organizers reserve the right to disqualify the team, who will bear all legal responsibilities.
    • Upon completing the registration for the "Impact Frontier Lab", organizations or enterprises and their members are deemed to accept the contest rules, announcements, and judging results published by the organizers. If there is any violation, the organizers reserve the right to disqualify the contestant. Disagreements must be communicated in writing to the organizers before the start of the judging event.
    • Organizations/enterprises that pass the preliminary round are obligated to fully participate in training courses, mentoring sessions and activities to submit relevant reports. Those that pass the secondary round will receive assistance to visit allied nations. Winning teams in the final round will receive matching grants (up to $6 million NTD), and must use this grant solely for the proposed project.
    • Data provided by participating organizations or enterprises, such as proposals, presentations, and videos, must be freely licensed to the organizers for promotional purposes of the program.
    • If winning organizations/enterprises encounter the following situations during the project execution, the organizers, depending on the severity, may stop the allocation of the grant or even reclaim the entire amount:
      (1)Unexcused absences from mandatory events
      (2)Improper financial usage.
      (3)Late or incomplete reporting without prior discussion with the organizers.
      (4)Fake progress reports or documents.
      (5)Changing the original plan or items without the organizers' consent.
    • If a winning organization or enterprise abandons the approved project for reasons other than force majeure, the organizers reserve the right to revoke their winner status. The team should return all received funds and will not be eligible to participate in the "Impact Frontier Lab" for three years from the date of abandonment.
    • The organizers reserve the right to amend the contest rules and regulations of the "Impact Frontier Lab". The latest announcements on the official website shall prevail without individual notifications. Any unmentioned matters will be dealt with according to supplementary announcements or explanations from the organizers.